Tuesday 12 October 2010

Domino break

Time by time a distraction is inevitable. Even Chess Masters can not play all the time, unless they do not mind getting serious brain damages, and here is where several other relaxing activities kick in. Domino for instance, a remarkable way to lose temper and friends, but still enjoying oneself. For the unlucky ones who do not know the actual game, it is just like what happens to a person who, having a good amount of spare time, innocently goes checking some interesting video on Youtube and inevitably ends up watching tens of them in a random sequence for hours, until his brain is so overloaded by information, he needs to ask for help to get out of such a vicious circle and has absolutely forgotten where he started from. Which is, unexpectedly enough, exactly what happened to me just today. So I have been dragged into this compulsive watching, being the subject so amazing. I would love to share with you all, readers (three people so far, if I am not wrong and Catherine kept an eye on it too), any single one of those videos, but wishing to save myself from another brain-washing session, I might rather not look for all the links again. I just hope you will get as curious as me and have some friend around to bring you back to life after a while.
Not that I consider all people being of my same kind - meaning that idle one who would have not made it if natural selection were still working on human beings - but I can tell you these happenings lead me constantly to very late dinners and a sleeping path that would turn lovely Mrs Threadgoode into an adorable Pepa Marcos in just a fortnight...
Ah, by the way, I can not wait for next Friday "Out and About" lesson at the Kemistry Gallery!

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