Tuesday 19 October 2010

Collages, a lot of them!

Two posts in a row without pictures, how bad can that be? This time anyway I have them, I swear!
In the previous post I gave myself a list of subjects, I am confident I can stick on it and give some coherence to my words. Thus comes last week's workshop.
Did I ever mention how much I love collages? I am pretty sure I did not, as I would have no reasons to lie so blatantly. It is something dated back to my childhood, I suppose: even though I really, deeply like works of artists such as Rodchenko, to say the most obvious ever - while I sincerely disapprove his philosophy as crude elitism - and I admire many others directly inspired by him, I equally dislike making collages myself most of the times.
Is it necessary to describe my feelings about the assignment of a hundred small collages to submit to the tutors by early December then? Yes, it is! I like it. Really, I do. I will hate every single minute I will have to spend cutting and pasting and cutting and pasting and on and on, but it will all make sense at the end. Focusing! Trusting in myself! Not giving up! These are my new aims for the one and half month to come.
Glue! It looks useful and good, but it can be your worst enemy!
I was forgetting about it: great piece of theory!
And a very bad picture too!
This is just the beginning...
"Could be worse: it could rain..."

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