Sunday 28 November 2010

Students' protest: Britain turns Nazi in Whitehall

In the heat of the moment - way of saying: I was frozen down to the bones - I thought I could write a lot of harsh things about what happened last Wednesday to us who were protesting in Whitehall, so I decided to take a little time to think. Nevertheless, what I came out with some days later is surprisingly identical to what I thought while I was still there: the only difference between us, some 5.000 students aged between 11 and 40, and thousands of jews in Warsaw in the early 1940s was that we were not wearing a yellow six-point star on our chests. A sickly well organized Nazi police just took human rights away from us in Central London, just few yards off Parliament Square and in sight of the Winston Churchill monument. How ironical. In the last 70 years Britain pestered the whole World telling how they alone stood against Nazism at the darkest time, to end up using the same methods and philosophy. I guess this is what happens to peoples that never experienced a revolution in their history, they become as docile as cattle, so they do not see what is wrong in kettling them...

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